ChatGPT states that the generated content may be copyrighted but does not belong to the AI itself.

In other words, the answers/generated output may be subject to copyright protection, depending on whether it can be considered a “work” that expresses the original views of an author or reflects uniquely creative content owned by the author in question.

Additionally, there are legal concerns about the misrepresentation of information:

Suppose I use ChatGPT to generate a perfect Cover Letter. Is this a fair, ethical, and legal way to transparently showcase my abilities to a hiring manager? Am I “working smart,” or am I misrepresenting the truth about myself, and the capabilities needed for the job? To what extent is an AI-generated/perfected CV and Cover Letter a true reflection of who I am as a person to the hiring manager? If, for example, I am not a friendly person, yet I have prompted ChatGPT to “alter the tone-of-voice in my Cover Letter,” then where do we legally draw the line between editorial help/guidance and misrepresentation of information?

To find out the answers to these questions, check out – and download – our full guide here!